Russian Diamond Site Reports On IDE Center Plans

Russian Diamond Site Reports On IDE Center Plans

Plans for the establishment of a modern diamond manufacturing center in the diamond bourse area of Ramat Gan are making waves around the world.

The Russian diamond industry Internet site, jewellernet, recently reported on the upcoming establishment of a modern diamond manufacturing center in Ramat Gan that is expected to begin operations at the end of October.

The Russian diamond industry Internet site, jewellernet, recently reported that "a joint committee of the Israeli diamond sector" came together to discuss the setting up of a diamond processing plant".

The report describes the plans for expanding the center and includes an image of IDE Industry Committee Chairman Yoram Dvash.

"The Center will need to establish two main goals: creating a workspace with the latest technology in polishing diamonds, as well as in creating a place where members of the public will be able to manufacture rough diamonds from the beginning to the end of the whole process of producing the diamonds," says the report.

It was also reported that, "The modern production center, covering an area of 400 square meters, will include lecture halls, a room with automatic polishing machines, a laser cutting room, an events hall, a conference room, a study room, and more."

According to the report, the center is expected to start operations at the end of October and IDE members will be able to use it if they are suited to the criteria that have been set for its use. These include experience, ability to manufacture rough diamonds, financial stability, and other several factors.