A general assembly is held annually at the Diamond Exchange welcoming all members of the Exchange and is often graced with the presence of distinguished guests such as Prime Ministers, ministers and other dignitaries.
At the general assembly, the President delivers a report detailing the past year's activities (spanning from general policy and activities vis-à-vis local and international authorities down to the level of reporting on activities relating to the Diamond Exchange members' daily lives). The President also presents the members with his plans for the future and administrative plans for the upcoming year.
During the assembly members of the Directorate submit detailed reports about their public activities and achievements in their work on the various Diamond Exchange committees. The Chairman of the Control Committee presents the main points of the committee's report which is followed by a discussion in which the members of the Diamond Exchange have the floor, make their case and express their views on any matter on the agenda.
Voting, if necessary, takes place by a show of hands or secret ballot, in accordance with the regulations. The general assembly concludes in the traditional way, with everyone singing Hatikva, the Israeli national anthem.
If the need arises, extraordinary general meetings take place from time to time to discuss matters not on the agenda of the annual assembly such as changes and amendments to the Articles of Association, and the like.